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    @copywright 2013

Pixels vs Print: Computers are slowing you down

        Reading material on a computer monitor is proven to be at a slower rate when compared to reading a printed page of paper. The difference in reading speed is between 10 and 30%. Vision Xperts’ wellness program “Pixel vs Print is designed to address those factors that can reduce productive reading speed when viewing a computer monitor.

Solutions to be presented:    Computer Ergonomic factors: the science of computer vision

                                                          Proper Monitor & document placement

                                                          Lighting considerations

                                                          Eliminating Eyestrain & Blur

                                                         10 Common Computer Ergonomic mistakes

To schedule your office's Pixel vs Print wellness program please contact our office at 708-686-5266

Vision Xperts

“ we make house calls”

613 S. 2nd St.

St. Charles, IL 60174

